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JAPANESE SWORD RACK with the Translation

This is the set of JAPANESE SWORD RACK and its full translation together. 

JAPANESE SWORD RACK with the Translation

SKU: Katanagake_set
  • 武具愛好家におくる書:








    著者   伊藤 満 

    A4判、ハードカバー クロス上製本、化粧函入り、384ページ、本文・図版オールカラー









    ‘Katanagake’, the result of lengthy and detailed research by Itō Mitsuru, explores these items through a catalogue of 213 beautifully photographed sword racks from more than 30 museums, shrines and temples. Indeed examples come from such notable museums as Tokyo National Museum, The Sword Museum (Tokyo), Nezu Museum (Tokyo) and the Tokugawa Art Museum (Nagoya). Of the 213 examples, 133 are from museums, shrines and temples. Indeed, the author believes this book includes almost all the masterpieces of sword racks owned by institutions and private individuals in Japan. Included are historic katanagake once owned by Hideyoshi, Ieyasu and notable daimyō families including the Owari, Kishu and Mito branches of the Tokugawa, and the Mori, Maeda, Shimazu, Hosokawa, Uesugi, Ii and Date families as well as the Imperial Household. As a result the book illustrates and describes sword racks owned by Shoguns, daimyō, tea masters, late Edo radical samurai and early Meiji business magnates.


    Limited Edition of 500. Landscape format 30 x 21 cm. Clothbound with slip case. Colour photographs throughout. 


    A softcover complete English translation with an extended glossary is included with this purchase. The translation is of the entire book including every katanagake description.


    Translated by Rei Itoh & Mark Radburn

    Size: A4 ( 29.7 x 21cm), black & white 92 pages, Price: ¥10,250

    (The translation price is limited to orders received in 2024, and next year the price will revert to the standard price of ¥12,500.)



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